Balancing the needs for agriculture and threatened wildlife is a complex issue that many rural communities now face. Conservationists and farmers have often found themselves at opposite sides of a debate on how best to use limited land resources. Recently it has been increasingly recognized that common ground does exist among agricultural and conservation interests, and that intersections between the needs of biodiversity and local farmers can be used to advance their mutual interests. One such collaborative effort is underway in Skagit County, Washington, helping to end a decades-long pattern of farmer vs. conservationist in the region.
J. Herring
Environment, Sustainability and Society
Dalhousie University
What are the other projects similar to FFW currently in place in the West Coast? (TNC knows there is the Walking Wetlands program and another similar program in the Central Valley of California; there may be others). What are the general similarities and differences in the approaches of these programs?